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Windows Installation

This page contains installation instructions for Windows.


These instructions apply only to a fresh 64-bit Windows 2019 or 2022 Server. The server must not have any other IIS/web applications running on it in order to work with DreamFactory. You must be able to access the GUI of the server using something like RDP, have the ability to transfer files from your client machine to the server, and it is recommended to turn IE enhanced security off to make downloading some of the necessary installation files easier. Other applications might be able to run on the same IIS instance as DreamFactory, however this is not typically supported.

A local Administrator account is also required at minimum for testing permissions, and possibly in perpetuity for IIS permissions.

Server role setup

To start, set up the IIS Web server roles.

To enable the Web Server Roles:

  1. Open the Server Manager Application.
  2. Click on Option 2 Add roles and features.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Ensure that Role based or feature based is selected, and click Next.
  5. Ensure the server you're working on is selected, click Next.
  6. On server roles, check the Web Server (IIS) box, install any admin tools if asked, and click Next.
  7. Your Web Server Role should look something like this (also outlined below): Web Server Role selection
  8. Click Next and then select Install. Let the installer run in the background, reup on coffee and start the download section below.

Web server roles

These are the web server roles DreamFactory recommends selecting:

  • Web Server (IIS)
    • Common HTTP Features
      • Default Document
      • Directory Browsing
      • HTTP Errors
      • Static Content
      • HTTP Redirection
    • Health and Diagnostics
      • HTTP Logging
    • Performance
      • Static Content Compression
    • Security
      • Request Filtering
    • Application Development
      • CGI


There are a few installation files to downloade and, in some cases, installed. This section covers the downloads needed before starting the actual installation and configuration of the server. Getting all of these files on the server ahead of time ensures that the rest of the installation runs smoothly.

DreamFactory specific files

Before starting, locate the following files on the server so they are ready to add to the installation when needed.

  • Composer (license) files:
    • composer.json
    • composer.json-dist
    • composer.lock
  • DreamFactory license key

The composer files are typically grabbed from the DreamFactory SFTP server. Contact DreamFactory support if you need help accessing them.


The git command must be available to get the DreamFactory code later in the installation process.

Git can be downloaded from here. Select the 64-bit Git for Windows Setup version.

To install git, simply run the installer you downloaded and click yes/next on all default options.

Visual C++ 2015-2019

Download here

Simply run the installer to install.

URL rewrite module

Download here

Simply run the installer to install.


PHP for Windows can be downloaded here. Be sure to get a 64-bit, non-thread-safe (NTS) version. Download the .zip file.

At the time of writing, the latest supported PHP version is 8.3.16. The 64-bit NTS version can be directly downloaded here.

Just get the .zip downloaded. It is installed later in the process.


Composer is a package manager for PHP. The installer can be directly downloaded here.

Just get the installer downloaded. It is run later in the process.

PHP Manager

PHP Manager is an IIS utility to make managing PHP and extensions much easier.

Go to the link here and click Download this extension.

Simply run the downloaded installer while IIS is closed to complete the install.

SQL Server drivers

If you plan to use DreamFactory to connect to a SQL Server, you must have the driver packages.

Start with downloading the v17 and v18 drivers:

Run both downloaded installers.

For the drivers to be used, you also need the sqlsrv PHP extensions. Start by going to the releases page here.

Find the latest release and look in the assets section. Windows packages are at the end of the list. Download the for PHP v8.3.

As of this writing, the latest release of the extension package can be directly downloaded here.

Getting DreamFactory running

The rest of the procedure involves two primary objectives: getting DreamFactory installed and running with the PHP development server, and then configuring IIS to serve DreamFactory. This section cover the installation and PHP development server set up.

Installing PHP

  1. Create a new folder: C:\php\, grab the PHP installation .zip you gathered earlier, and extract the entire contents to the C:\php\ folder.

  2. Duplicate (copy/paste) the php.ini-development file, and rename the duplicate php.ini.


You might need to enable file name extentions in the View tab of the file explorer.

  1. Open the newly created php.ini and copy/paste the following at the bottom of the file:


  1. Save and close php.ini.

You can manually add PHP to your enviornment variable path, however this is done automatically during the Composer installation.

Installing Composer

To start, run the composer installer you downloaded earlier.

You can select Next through most of the installtion. When asked to browse to your command line/CLI PHP, naviagate to: C:\php\php.exe. Then check the Add to path option. Click Next and wait.


This is a great time to test both the PHP and Composer installations, open a new commmand prompt and run:

php -v

composer --version

If both of those commands are successful, you are safe to keep moving forward.

Installing SQL Server drivers (optional)

This is an optional step dependent on if you intend to use DreamFactory with SQL Server.

The v17 and v18 drivers should have been installed during the previous steps, if not, install them now.

Open the downloaded earlier, in the x64 folder there should be 4 .dll files. Copy/paste the two nts (Non Thread Safe) .dll into your php ext folder (C:\php\ext\)

Then, rename both files removing the "_81_nts" at the end of the filename. The files are named:

  • php_pdo_sqlsrv.dll
  • php_sqlsrv.dll

Get (git) DreamFactory code

Next, get the DreamFactory code by opening a command prompt, and running:

cd C:\inetpub\wwwroot\

git clone

This creates a C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dreamfactory folder on the server, refered to as the DreamFactory installation folder in this and other documentation.

Install DreamFactory dependencies

DreamFactory uses Composer to handle all PHP dependencies, if you haven't installed Composer from the installation section above, do so now.

First, take your 3 composer/license files (composer.json, composer.json-dist, composer.lock) and add them to the DreamFactory installation directory, overwriting the existing composer files in that directory. Then, open a command prompt, cd into the dreamfactory installation directory and run:

composer install --no-dev --ignore-platform-reqs --verbose

Sometimes this command takes a while to run, if it feels hung, hit enter a couple times in the command prompt.

Build DreamFactory system database and root admin

Once the composer install finishes, we can finalize the DreamFactory setup. In your command prompt, cd into the dreamfactory installation directory. Start by running: php artisan df:env.

This command defines the system database for the DreamFactory enviornment. For initial installation, it is recommended to start with option [0], Sqlite. If you run into problems during the installation, starting with sqlite eliminates database/networking issues from the troubleshooting process. This database can be changed at a later date, and any configurations you build in sqlite can be exported and imported into another instance later.

When selecting a database name and user, it is recommended to stick with the default "dreamfactory" and "dfadmin" respectively.

Once the df:env command finishes, run: php artisan df:setup This command prompts you to create your first admin user. This email and password are used to log in to the UI later. The root admin account details can be changed later.

Finally, add your license key to the end of the .env file located in the dreamfactory instalaltion directory. You can add it to the bottom of the file like: DF_LICENSE_KEY={YOUR LICENSE KEY}

Ensure that you remove curly brackets seen in the example above.:::

Test DreamFactory

In order to run a test/development Laravel server, from the dreamfactory installation directory run: php artisan serve

This starts a web server at If you can navigate to this url, login to the UI with the root admin created earlier. If you don't have a red banner at the top of the UI, you have done everything correctly. If the red banner is still visible, go back and check for any steps you may have missed before moving forward.

From here, DreamFactory is installed, the next section focuses on getting IIS to serve DreamFactory on port 80.

Serving DreamFactory with IIS

This section highlights the IIS configuration needed to serve DreamFactory.


We at DreamFactory are not Windows experts. The guidance provided here outlines a basic, default IIS configuration that has been tested and is known to work with DreamFactory on Windows environments. This setup is intended as a foundation for your DreamFactory installation. It's important to understand that while this configuration works for us and is supported by our team, Windows and IIS are versatile platforms. As such, there may be alternative configurations that also work well, depending on your specific needs and environment. We encourage you to use this as a guide, but feel free to explore and implement what works best for your situation.

To begin, open the IIS manager, most of the steps here take place in the IIS manager.

Create DreamFactory site

In the left panel of the IIS manager UI, open sites, right click, and select remove the default site.

Next, right click on the sites folder and select Add Website. Then fill in the dialog:

  • Site name: typically set to "dreamfactory" but can be whatever you'd like
  • Physical Path: {dreamfactory install dir}/public if you've been following along this should be: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\dreamfactory\public\
  • Connect as...
    • For the default DreamFactory configuration, the "Connect As" should be set to a local server Administrator account set under the Specific User option. Other options such as domain users can be used, however you might run into permission issues that will need to be solved. DreamFactory support is able to support the local Administrator account, but is unable to help with setting domain/non-local admin account permissions.
    • Use the "Test Settings" button, and ensure you have two green check marks.

Due to the vast diversity in Windows environments, initial testing of DreamFactory necessitates the use of the local Administrator account. If DreamFactory is accessible with the local Administrator account but encounters issues with domain or non-admin user accounts, the problem often stems from permissions issues. We strongly recommend and support the use of the local Administrator account. Troubleshooting permission issues is often required for non-admin accounts to resolve access discrepancies.

Handler mappings

Handler mappings tell IIS how/where to use the php executables in serving DreamFactory. Select the server on the left side of the IIS manager and click on the Handler Mappings icon. To create a new mapping, on the right side of the page, click Add Module Mapping.

Fill in the Add Module Mapping dialog:

  • Request Path: *.php
  • Module: FastCgiModule
  • Executable: C:\php\php-cgi.exe
  • Name: PHP_via_FastCGI

Next, click on request restricions, and ensure the following are set:

  • Mapping: file or folder
  • Verbs: all
  • Access: script

Click OK to save the handler mapping.

PHP manager config

Again, from the server view on the left, click on the PHP Manager icon.

Generally a yellow notice that your PHP configuration is non optimal is displayed. Click on View Recomendations, check the boxes and apply every available recommendation.

Test that PHP is working, click the Check phpinfo() link and then test using the DreamFactory site. Ensure that you see a purple and white PHP info output in this screen. If not, go back and resolve any PHP installation issues.

If your php.ini is built correctly you should be able to access Enable or disable an extention and see them enabled. You can also enable extentions manually in the PHP Manager which applies the appropriate edits to the php.ini file.

FastCGI settings

There is one setting change to be made to the default IIS error handling.

From the server view, select FastCGI Settings, then select the handler you made earlier and click Edit....

Change Standard Error Mode to IgnoreAndReturn200 and click OK.

Request filtering

From the server view, select the Request Filtering icon. Then Navigate to the HTTP Verbs tab. On the right side, click Allow Verb and add the following verbs one at a time:

  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT

URL rewrite rules

On the left side of the IIS management window, open the DreamFactory site, and select the URL Rewrite module. To import the URL rewrite rules:

  1. on the right side of the page, click Import Rules.
  2. Browse to the dreamfactory/public dir and open .htaccess.
  3. Click Import.
  4. If any of the imported rules have red Xs on them, select them and remove that specific rule until everything shows a green checkmark.
  5. Click Apply to complete the process.

Directory permissions

IIS needs control over certian folders within the DreamFactory installation directory in order to function properly. Right click and select Properties on the following folders and give IIS_IUSRS full control over them. Additionally, be sure to unckeck the read only option, and apply all changes recursively if asked:

  • storage
  • bootstrap/cache
  • public

Sometimes these permisions don't set correctly with the properties window. If you are having permissions issues, we have seen good results by running these two commands from the DreamFactory install directory:

icacls "bootstrap\cache" /grant "IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F"

icacls "storage" /grant "IIS_IUSRS:(OI)(CI)F"

Accessing DreamFactory

After completing the setup, you can navigate to the server's IP address or hostname to view the DreamFactory login screen on port 80. At this stage, DreamFactory is operational. However, implementing SSL and creating a DNS entry for the server are some of the many additional configuration options at your disposal. Due to the extensive variety of configurations possible beyond this point, this guide does not cover them in detail. For more advanced IIS configuration, consult Microsoft's documentation as needed.

Adding SSL

For details on adding SSL, DreamFactory recommends using certbot. Follow the instructions from the provided link to help you through the process.